Johnson Comments on King v. Burwell Decision

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) made these remarks about the Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act:

“Today’s King vs. Burwell decision by the Supreme Court is incredibly disappointing.  That decision upholds legislation that was falsely marketed and forced through Congress in a completely partisan fashion and that has harmed millions of Americans.  The court’s decision cements a system costing millions of Americans the health plans they chose and liked and access to doctors they knew and trusted. The Supreme Court is sustaining higher health care costs for  patients and taxpayers, a law that makes it costlier for employers to hire and harder for workers to keep full-time jobs.

“Obamacare has never been accepted by the American people. The harm that the law inflicts shows that the people were right. Congress must move America past this unaffordable, destructive law.”

Audio can be found here
