Johnson Introduces Cybersecurity Resolution

Washington, D.C. - Senator Ron Johnson (WI) today announced the introduction of a bipartisan resolution in support of the goals and ideals of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Johnson spoke about the importance of cybersecurity:

“Our economy has come to depend on the security and reliability of electronic commerce. Every day millions of Americans pay bills, do their banking, make purchases, and conduct other important business online. And while just a few years ago there were many companies that did not depend on Internet commerce, most small and medium-sized businesses are now on the Internet.

“The private sector controls 75-80 percent of our nation’s critical Internet infrastructure. It’s important that federal agencies support private cybersecurity efforts. I’m pleased that a number of my colleagues have joined me in cosponsoring this resolution.”

Senator Joe Lieberman:

“The internet is a relatively new frontier with a plugged-in population of nearly 2 billion users – and growing – that has created a revolution in commerce, communications, entertainment, finance and government. We cannot afford to let it become a lawless frontier. Senators Collins, Carper and I are working with our colleagues and other Committees to reach agreement on a proposal to make the internet safer and more secure. The public and private sectors must come together to deter cyber attacks from common criminals and hostile states, with a strong role for the Department of Homeland Security to help protect the .gov and .com domains. The internet cannot become a digital Dodge City – a lawless place where the honest fear to tread. It is simply too important to modern life to allow that to happen.”

Senator Susan Collins:

“The Internet touches on almost every aspect of our lives—from our email communications to financial transactions to the operation of our most critical infrastructure.  The sophistication and frequency of cyber attacks has grown exponentially.  It is our shared responsibility to protect consumers, businesses, and critical infrastructure against cyber threats.”

Senator Daniel Akaka:

“As our country becomes increasingly digitally connected, it is critical that the federal government, private sector, educational institutions, and other organizations work together to improve cybersecurity in the United States.  I am pleased to join President Obama and my Senate colleagues in acknowledging National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, which serves to better educate people on the importance of being secure on the Internet.”

Senator Scott Brown:

“The digital landscape is rapidly evolving and now touches nearly everyone on the planet. Massachusetts in particular is at the cutting edge of this digital revolution.  As we depend more on these technologies, ensuring their security is more important than ever.  I am pleased to join my Senate colleagues in acknowledging National Cybersecurity Awareness Month so that Americans can better understand how we can stay safe while staying on the cutting edge.”

Senator Tom Carper:

"All aspects of American society have become increasingly dependent on the internet –the military, the government, and businesses both small and large,” said Sen. Carper. “While in most cases this powerful technology has transformed our daily lives for the better, we must remain vigilant and aware of the threats that thrive in cyber space. Unfortunately, bad actors – from common criminals to foreign terrorists – have identified cyber space as an ideal 21st century battlefield.  Earlier this year, I joined Senator Lieberman and Senator Collins in introducing legislation to take steps to modernize our approach to protecting this valuable but vulnerable resource, while also balancing our need for security in this new frontier with our democratic values of freedom and liberty. I hope that as Congress and the Administration continue to develop a balanced, yet thorough approach to protecting our information infrastructure, Americans use this month to better understand the importance of cyber security and the threats that exist in cyber space.”

Senator Mary Landrieu:

“Threats to the homeland no longer come just by land, air or sea,” Sen. Landrieu said.  “ In today’s connected world, new dangers to our country exist in cyberspace, and we must meet these threats with innovative, integrated and bold solutions. As we discuss ways to create jobs and get Americans back to work, we must build a highly educated work force that can compete and fill the jobs in this high-tech century.”

Senator Mark Begich:

“Cybersecurity is an important part of a 21st century Alaska economy as many Alaskans have few alternatives to shopping online or running their business over the internet ,” said Sen. Begich. “Alaskans are twice as likely as the rest of the country to be victims of online credit card fraud. Raising cybersecurity awareness can help keep Alaska families and consumers safe while banking, shopping, running their businesses and even watching the latest viral YouTube video.”

Senator Chris Coons:

"America must be prepared for all possible threats, whether fired from a weapon or from a computer," Senator Coons said. "Strengthening our cybersecurity is critical not only to our national security, but to our economic security. "When foreign companies and governments use the internet to steal our ideas, they’re stealing more than just formulas and schematics — they’re stealing jobs. Today I’m proud to join with colleagues from both sides of the aisle on the National Cybersecurity Awareness Month resolution and look forward to continued work on this imperative issue.”

Tech America Acting President and CEO Dan Varroney:

“Amidst a growing and constantly evolving threat landscape, cybersecurity education and public awareness of Internet safety has emerged as a national priority thanks to the leadership of Senators Johnson, Lieberman, Collins and Landrieu and their Senate colleagues. We fully support the resolution designating October as ‘National Cybersecurity Awareness Month’ which reinforces a long-standing TechAmerica position advocating for the need to have a collaborative effort between government and the private sector to fully protect our cyber infrastructure.”

The resolution is cosponsored by Senators Akaka (HI), Begich (AK), Brown (MA), Carper (DE), Collins (ME), Coons (DE), Landrieu (LA), and Lieberman (CT). This year marks the eighth consecutive observance of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, since it was established in 2004.  The theme for 2011 is ‘Stop. Think. Connect.’
