Johnson Calls for Deficit Debate

Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Johnson (WI) issued the following statement regarding the Implementation of Simpson-Bowles Spending Reductions Act, legislation he has introduced to save an estimated $655 billion over ten years by implementing the discretionary spending recommendations of the Simpson-Bowles commission:

“It was a year ago this month that the Simpson-Bowles commission offered a set of recommendations for reducing our deficit by $4 trillion. But despite a ton of rhetoric from President Obama, Majority Leader Reid, and Congressional Democrats, we still haven’t had a vote on those recommendations.

“It’s time for Senate Democrats to match their actions to their rhetoric. Instead of talking about the deficit, and complaining about a Senate that refuses to tackle difficult issues, it’s time for a genuine debate. Today I’m introducing legislation that offers just the specific discretionary spending cuts recommended by the President’s own National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

“Democrats claim that this is a ‘do-nothing’ Congress. The problem is not the House of Representatives – which has passed dozens of bills to promote job creation. The problem is the Senate – which refuses to debate anything of substance. This process is broken, and it is broken because Senate Democrats refuse to lead.”

Click here to view the legislation.
