Senator Johnson Calls on CBO to Reestimate “Dumping” in Obamacare

Washington, D.C.- Senator Ron Johnson (WI) released the following statement today after the conclusion of his meeting on Obamacare with Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Dr. Douglas Elmendorf:

“I decided to run for the Senate in part because of my concerns over Obamacare and what it will do to our economy and future.  I started and ran a Wisconsin business that created jobs, made payroll and provided health care.  

“Once taking office, I swore to myself that I would do everything I could to question this burdensome plan.  Accordingly, I had the opportunity to ask Director Elmendorf questions at a Budget Committee hearing on November 15, 2011 about how many private employers would “dump” health care coverage for employees in favor of exchanges.  From conversations with health care experts and my own experiences as a private sector health care decision maker, I do not believe that the estimates provided by the CBO are accurate.

“Following the hearing I sent a letter to Director Elmendorf on November 29th, 2011 and that culminated in a meeting today.  I believe there is sufficient evidence to ask the CBO to re-estimate those numbers and I have done so at today’s meeting. I look forward to seeing CBO’s new analysis of the Obamacare exchanges and I will continue to examine what the true costs of this program will mean for hard-working Americans.

"I certainly appreciated Director Elmendorf taking the time to meet with me and providing forthright answers.”
