Roll Call: Senators Press Boehner for Deeper Spending Cuts

By Jackie Kucinich

A group of conservative Senators are calling on Speaker John Boehner to cut at least $100 billion from the president’s budget request — significantly more than House Republicans had planned.

“We believe that, as part of the urgent need to cut federal spending, the total value of the fiscal year 2011 spending reductions in the upcoming continuing resolution should be no less than $100 billion,” the Senators wrote in a letter Friday to the Ohio Republican. “The American people expect at least this level — which is just one-fifteenth of the FY2011 budget deficit.”

The letter, signed by 11 lawmakers, indicated that because Democrats remain in control of the Senate, it is vital to pass a “bold as possible” continuing resolution in the House.

Those who signed the letter are Sens. Jim DeMint (S.C.), Mike Enzi (Wy.), Rand Paul (Ky.), Mike Johanns (Neb.), Mike Lee (Utah), Ron Johnson (Wis.), Marco Rubio (Fla.), Pat Toomey (Pa.), David Vitter (La.), Tom Coburn (Okla.) and John Ensign (Nev.).

House Republicans have proposed cutting $74 billion from President Barack Obama’s budget plan for the rest of the fiscal year. Republicans had promised $100 billion in cuts as part of their campaign platform last fall.

The bill is expected to be on the House floor the week of Feb. 14.

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