The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Conservative gathering in DC will draw Ryan, Johnson, Priebus, Duffy

By Craig Gilbert

The annual Conservative Political Action Conference will have a distinct Wisconsin flavor on its opening day Thursday in DC.

Welcoming attendees will be conference organizer David Keene, a Wisconsinite who is chairman of the American Conservative Union.

The second featured speaker (after Minnesota’s Michele Bachman) will be GOP Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, part of CPAC’s focus this year on new members of Congress.

House budget chair Paul Ryan, who has addressed the conference before, will speak Thursday afternoon.

And Republican national chairman Reince Priebus will make remarks in the evening.

On Friday, Wisconsin congressman Sean Duffy will make an appearance, introducing former Minnesota governor and likely presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty.

Duffy’s wife, TV personality Rachel Campos-Duffy, will also participate. She is scheduled to moderate a panel discussion Thursday called, “Pop Culture: An Influence or a Mirror?”

Moving beyond the Badger state, a parade of potential GOP presidential candidates will be speaking at CPAC Thursday, Friday and Saturday, including Pawlenty, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Mitch Daniels.  Look for live coverage in this space on Thursday.

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