Senator Johnson Comments on the Continuing Resolution

Senator Ron Johnson today made the following statement regarding HR 1, the House-passed Continuing Resolution:

“I support the House version of the Continuing Resolution, which cuts 61 billion dollars from the federal budget – just 1.7 percent of what we will spend this year. We are borrowing more than 4 billion dollars every day, and the only response offered by Senate Democrats is to cut just 1 day’s worth of borrowing. It’s simply inadequate. Senate Republicans are more than willing to cooperate if the president is willing to lead. It’s very disappointing that he is not showing the type of leadership the country needs at this moment in time.

“The number one solution to our problem is economic growth. We need to restrain federal spending  and show a credible plan for reducing the deficit. That’s essential to restore confidence and encourage consumers and business leaders to begin spending and investing again. That’s the best way to restore strong economic growth and job creation.”
