Estonia Public Broadcasting: US Senators Visit Estonia

By Ott Tammik

On a visit to Estonia, four US senators met with the country's leadership, and toured NATO's Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence.

The lawmakers met with Prime Minister Andrus Ansip, President Toomas Hendrik Ilves and Defense Minister Mart Laar. Prior to arriving in Estonia, the senators visited Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Georgia.

The delegation comprised senators Jon L. Kyl, Jeff Sessions, Mike Crapo and Ron Johnson, who represent the legal, finance, defense and budget committees in the US Congress.

A meeting with the Defense Minister focused on regional defense, cyber security and international operations. "Despite its small size, Estonia is making noticeable efforts to help out in ensuring the security of NATO member countries," Laar said in a statement.

The government, Laar said, plans to enlarge defense spending to 2 percent of GDP - NATO's recommended level - by 2012.

The senators also visited the International Center for Defense Studies, a government-funded think tank that sits on Toompea Hill.

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