The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Two D.C. players make Wisconsin a swing state

By Bob Wolfley

Because the U.S. Open golf championship on June 16-20 is being held at Congressional Country Club in Washington, D.C., Golf Digest decided to rank what it calls Washington's top 150 golfers.

The magazine considered "the best and most avid golfers among members of Congress, federal officials and White House staffers" as well as "dozens of senior-level lobbyists."

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) is ranked No. 55 on the list, with a handicap of 9.4.

Wisconsin Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wis.) is tied with five other players at No. 68, with a 12 handicap. ("Handicaps without a decimal point are estimates," the magazine explains.)

The highest-rated elected official is Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) at No. 11. Udall's handicap is listed as 2.

Vice President Joe Biden is ranked No. 29 (6.3 handicap). President Barack Obama is tied for No. 108 with Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) with a 17.

Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio), the speaker of the House, is tied at No. 43, with a 7.9.

The top ranking on the list belongs to Tony Russo, vice president for federal legislative affairs at T-Mobile, with a +2.3 handicap.

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