Johnson Opposes 2012 Appropriations Bills

Washington, D.C. - Senator Ron Johnson (WI) today explained his decision to vote against three 2012 appropriations bills: the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, and the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act. Johnson said:

“The debt ceiling agreement "deemed" a fiscal year 2012 budget passed, and set discretionary spending at $1,043 billion for next year. Discretionary spending represents approximately 30 percent of the total federal budget and is the only part of the budget subject to the appropriations process.  The remaining 70% consists of entitlements and other mandatory spending, all of which are growing on automatic pilot each year. This year, discretionary spending will equal $1,050 billion. The debt ceiling agreement cut an underwhelming $7 billion from that amount. This represents a cut of less than .7% in discretionary spending, and less than .2% of the entire budget.

“I voted against the debt ceiling agreement - and I will be voting against a number of appropriations bills - because this meager level of spending restraint is simply not adequately addressing our very serious fiscal problems.”

The Senate Appropriations Committee approved four appropriations bills yesterday afternoon – the three bills listed above, and the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2012.
