Johnson Opposes Appropriations Bills

Washington, D.C. - Senator Ron Johnson (WI) made the following statement after today’s meeting of the Senate Appropriations Committee:

“This year we will spend 1.3 trillion dollars that we don’t have. Next year’s deficit will also be about 1 trillion dollars. In light of that, the Democratic Majority’s refusal to seriously reduce spending – and to limit next year’s borrowing – is disappointing. Even more disappointing is the appropriations process, which asks us to vote to approve these bills less than a day after receiving any information on spending  which will exceed 90 billion dollars.

“This is a broken budgetary process that needs to be fixed,  if we are ever to have any hope of balancing our budget and living within our means.”

Note: The Committee approved the Fiscal Year 2012 funding measures for Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA, and Related Agencies, Energy and Water Development, and Homeland Security.
