Johnson Statement on Commerce Department Housing Report for August

Washington, D.C. -  Senator Ron Johnson (WI) made the following comment today on the Commerce Department’s Housing Report for August:

“It seems like every day we get a new piece of data that shows how weak the economy is. Today the Commerce Department reports that new home sales fell to a 6-month low in August – the fourth straight month of decline. The median sales price of homes continues to plummet – as sellers drop prices to deal with a slow market.  It is clear that we need a change in course.

“How much longer will President Obama support policies that discourage a recovery and prolong the recession? Consumer confidence is at the lowest level in years. The economy will remain depressed as long as consumers and businesses fear the regulation, taxes, and borrowing that the President favors. It is time to repeal Obamacare, repeal Dodd-Frank, and get spending under control.
