Senator Johnson Statement on Monthly Jobs Report

Senator Ron Johnson (WI) made the following statement today after the August monthly jobs report indicated that zero jobs were produced last month:

 “Today's miserable employment report showing that zero jobs were created last month underscores the lack of leadership President Obama has demonstrated in creating an attractive environment in America for economic growth and job creation.

“In the few instances where President Obama has shown leadership on the economy, he has led our country in exactly the wrong direction. Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and the broad array of rules and regulations that his administration's agencies have imposed on job creators have increased costs and led to greater uncertainty.

“In order to restore the confidence needed to strengthen our economy, we should immediately repeal all of these harmful laws and regulations.  I can't think of a better first step to begin the process of creating long term, self-sustaining jobs in the private sector.

“Unfortunately, we can't repeal the $4 trillion of additional debt that has been added to our nation's debt since President Obama took office. But we can develop a credible plan to limit the growth in government that would also help convince consumers and investors that America has finally begun to seriously address its fiscal problems.

“It is time to learn the lessons of the past, and heed the warning signs that are abundantly clear.  It is time to act responsibly.”
