Johnson Applauds Passage of St. Croix Bridge Legislation

Washington, D.C. — Senator Ron Johnson (WI) made the following statement today after S. 1134, the St. Croix River Crossing Authorization Act, passed the Senate with unanimous consent. This legislation will expedite the construction of the St. Croix River Crossing Project without spending any additional federal tax dollars. 

Johnson said:

“I am pleased that the St. Croix River Crossing Project Authorization Act passed the Senate today. Constructing the St. Croix bridge is important for both economic activity in western Wisconsin and the drivers that use the bridge. The people of Wisconsin and Minnesota have waited far too long for this replacement.

"I’m happy to have been a part of this bipartisan effort. This legislation would not have passed the Senate without the strong leadership of Senator Amy Klobuchar and the help of Senators Al Franken and Herb Kohl. I’m also gratified that so many of my Wisconsin delegation colleagues in the House, led by Congressman Sean Duffy, supported this bridge project." 
