Johnson Calls for Presidential Leadership on Deficit

Washington, D.C. - Senator Ron Johnson (WI) today called on the President and the Senate to begin to seriously address the nation's deficit:

"Last year, President Obama extracted an agreement from Congress that will ultimately increase the debt ceiling by $2.1 trillion - more debt than the United States accumulated in its first 200 years of existence. It will take Washington less than two years to blow through that debt limit.

"Today marks 999 days since the Democrat-controlled Senate has passed a budget. Last year, President Obama’s budget was so unserious, it lost in the U.S. Senate by a vote of ZERO to 97.

"Even the smallest businesses and organizations produce budgets.  Failure by the Democrat-controlled Senate to pass a budget is a national scandal.  Proposing and adopting a budget is essential if we are to begin to get federal spending under control. We are committing intergenerational theft. It is wrong. It is immoral. It must stop.

"For the first time in nearly three years, we can only hope President Obama, Senator Harry Reid and the Senate Democrat majority will do the job the American people expect of them and commit to passing a budget by the legal April 15th deadline.”
