UW Oshkosh Today: U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson shares message with hundreds at UWO

Troy Winkelman was one of a couple hundred people who packed University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s Reeve Memorial Union ballroom Feb. 22 to hear U.S. Senator Ron Johnson speak.

“If any politician comes to campus, it’s once in a lifetime and it’s important to go,” said Winkelman, a UW Oshkosh junior studying English education and business. “I mean, it’s our senator. We only have two.”

Johnson appeared on campus to speak on the Constitution as part of the American Democracy Project lecture series. Johnson was originally scheduled to speak on campus in September as part of the Constitution Day events, which are held annually, but had to cancel due to congressional deliberations in Washington.

“The purpose of the American Democracy Project is to spur discussion about democracy,” said David Siemers, professor and chair of the political science department at UW Oshkosh, before Johnson took the stage. “We hope today’s talk will spur serious, but civil, discussions.”

Johnson spoke on the Constitution and mentioned the oath he took as senator to defend it. He also spoke on limited government issues, healthcare and spending.

“I’m trying to inform the American public, that’s why I’m here today,” Johnson said.

Kristin Heckel, a freshman studying accounting and finance, showed up to Johnson’s speech to be informed, she said.

“I really do enjoy politics, I love reading about what’s going on,” Heckel said. “I thought he was really inspirational, I want to be an accountant someday.”

Johnson, of Oshkosh, started his career as an accountant and went on to be a private sector business leader before becoming Senator.

Sophomore Marcus Hofmeister, an education major, had a personal connection to Johnson Wednesday night. Johnson opened his speech with a reference to how his morning was spent – at a funeral of an Army Lieutenant from Mayville who was recently killed in Afghanistan.

“My hometown is Mayville and this was really hard on our community,” said Hofmeister, who added he was thankful for Johnson’s acknowledgement. “David Johnson was the second man from our town to die.”

About politics and having a republican on campus, Hofmeister added : “It doesn’t matter what side you’re on. We all need to come together.”

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