Forty Senators Request Health Care Cost Data

Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Johnson (WI) today joined 39 other Republican Senators in a letter to Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Dr. Douglas Elmendorf, regarding estimates of the cost of Obamacare. Johnson said:

“This letter asks the Congressional Budget Office to provide a more complete analysis of what the costs of the PPACA would be if more employers choose to drop coverage. PPACA changes the decision equation for employers, and we believe it is important that the American people understand all the potential costs and consequences of full implementation.

“Our goal should be to paint a complete and accurate picture of what our health care system, our federal budget, and our freedoms will look like under PPACA.  I do not believe it will be a pretty picture.  PPACA will lower the quality of care, lead to rationing, and limit medical innovation.”

The letter may be viewed here.

Along with Johnson, the signers include Senators Lamar Alexander (TN), Kelly Ayotte (NH), John Barrasso (WY), Roy Blunt (MO), John Boozman (AR), Richard Burr (NC), Saxby Chambliss (GA), Dan Coats (IN), Tom Coburn (OK), Susan Collins (ME), Bob Corker (TN), John Cornyn (TX), Mike Crapo (ID), Jim DeMint (SC), Mike Enzi (WY), Lindsey Graham (SC), Charles Grassley (IA), Orrin Hatch (UT), Dean Heller (NV), John Hoeven (ND), Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX), Jim Inhofe (OK), Johnny Isakson (GA), Mike Johanns (NE), Jon Kyl (AZ), Mike Lee (UT), John McCain (AZ), Mitch McConnell (KY), Jerry Moran (KS), Rand Paul (KY), Rob Portman (OH), Jim Risch (ID), Pat Roberts (KS),  Marco Rubio (FL), Jeff Sessions (AL), Richard Shelby (AL), Olympia Snowe (ME), John Thune (SD), Pat Toomey (PA), 
