Johnson Comments on Report of Social Security Trustees
Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Johnson (WI) released the following statement regarding the failure of the Obama Administration to put forth a plan to save Social Security:
“Today the trustees of Social Security and Medicare reported that the long run picture for the viability of these entitlement programs has gotten worse in the last year. They encourage Congress and the President to address these challenges sooner, rather than later.
“In response, Treasury Secretary Geithner acknowledged the problems with the system, but again offered no solution. That is no surprise, given the continued refusal of the Administration to lead on our serious fiscal challenges.
“On February 16, Secretary Geithner testified before the Senate Budget Committee. He admitted to me ‘on Social Security you’re absolutely right. We have not proposed a plan to reform Social Security. We have not.’
“This President has submitted four budgets to Congress without offering any proposal to save Social Security or Medicare. His most recent budget was rejected 0-414 by the House; his 2012 budget was rejected 0-97 by the Senate. I hope that today’s report prompts this Administration to reconsider their conscious decision to let these programs deteriorate, instead of working in a bipartisan way to save them.”