The Hill: Sessions, Johnson mark three years without a Senate budget

By Ramsey Cox

Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Thursday marked the third anniversary of the last time the Senate approved a budget resolution, which will fall on Sunday.

"This Sunday, April 29, will mark the third anniversary since the Senate has passed a budget," Sessions said on the Senate floor. 

Sessions added that the Senate has "failed to perform its legal duty," and that according to procedure, it would only take 51 votes to pass a budget since a filibuster is not allowed on budget votes.

"Unfortunately [the rule] doesn't say the Senate goes to jail for not doing it," Sessions said.

He also accused Senate Democrats of failing to come up with a fiscal vision for the country, and said if Republicans regain control of the Senate, they will pass a budget.

Sen. Johnson said the budget put forward by President Obama was not serious, as evidenced by the unanimous vote against them. "Not one member of his own party voted for it," Johnson said.

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) has hinted that he would propose a vote on the Bowels-Simpson fiscal commission budget plan during the lame duck session after the elections.

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