NBC 26: Lawmakers React to Supreme Court Decision

Lawmakers from northeast Wisconsin are reacting to the Supreme Court’s ruling.

“It’s now in the hands of Congress and the hands of American people,” said Sen. Ron Johnson (R) Wisconsin.

But on the other side, former Democratic Congressman, Dr. Steve Kagan said this is a milestone. 

"Healthcare is no longer a privilege, it's a right," said Kagan. 

Johnson said Thursday’s decision takes away the individual choice, and said his party will work to repeal. 

"It's about putting this country back on a path of an opportunity society, with people, individuals in control, not the government," said Sen. Johnson. 

But Kagan disagreed. He said it’s a benefit for not only physicians, but all Americans. He added, discrimination against preexisting conditions is gone. 

"We applied our civil rights to protect us against discrimination, not just at the lunch counter, but now at the pharmacy counter," said Kagan. 

The ruling doesn't mean everything is set in stone said political analyst, Michael Kraft. 

"That doesn't mean its perfect,” he said. “It means elected officials can figure out what they want to do."

Kraft believes to overturn the law would difficult. It would hinge on big wins for Republicans, in the House, the Senate and the White House. 

"I think it would be very nearly impossible for Mitt Romney to substantially change the affordable care act given the way the U.S. Political system works,” said Kraft. 

House Republicans will schedule a vote on repealing the health law for July 11th

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