The Daily Caller: Protesters at Supreme Court react to Obamacare decision: ‘We will not comply’

The shocked tea partiers who gathered outside the Supreme Court on Thursday to hear the court’s ruling on President Barack Obama’s health care reform law struck a defiant tone immediately after it was announced that that the law will be upheld.

“A message to the IRS,” tea party leader Keli Carrender of Seattle screamed into a microphone. “We will not comply with this unconstitutional tax. So you might as well just come over and get me now. Because I ain’t paying it.”

The crowd began to chant, “We will not comply, we will not comply.”

Others told The Daily Caller that they were shocked that the justices upheld the individual health insurance mandate as a tax law. Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillip, carrying a ball in his hands, expressed disappointment.

“I brought a football to spike, but I don’t think I’m going to need to now,” he told TheDC.

Speaking at the same podium set up by tea partiers, Louisiana Republican Rep. Jeff Landry told the crowd that it is a “tragic day for this republic.”

“This ruling basically says that our federal government is no longer limited,” he said.

Hundreds of protesters on both sides of the spectrum gathered outside the Supreme Court on Thursday morning awaiting the ruling. Shortly after 10 a.m., reporters who were given copies of the ruling inside the court were seen sprinting outside.

Which way the court ruled was not understood for several minutes and many outside the court were confused as they looked for hints. Eventually, the pro-Obamacare protesters were howling.

In an interview with TheDC outside the Supreme Court, Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson said he is “really shocked, more depressed.”

“The law has been upheld,” Johnson said. “That’s a very sad day for freedom.”

Johnson, who was outside the court when the ruling came down was incredulous: “Didn’t President Obama say this wasn’t a tax?”

“It never would’ve passed had they said it was a tax,” he said. “It’s just a shame.”

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