Johnson Calls for Leadership on Debt

Note: Click here to watch the video of Senator Johnson’s remarks. 

Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Johnson (WI) made the following remarks on the floor of the Senate this morning:

“Mr. President, on September 30th, 1987, our total federal debt stood at $2.3 trillion. It took us 200 years as a nation to incur $2.3 trillion in debt. Last year - with the debt ceiling debate - we increased our debt limit by a little more than $2 trillion. We will blow through that limit in less than 2 years.

“The President of the United States has put forward four budgets. He has yet to submit any proposal to save either Social Security or Medicare. We are facing the most predictable financial crisis in our nation and our President refuses to lead. This Senate refuses to lead. America hungers for leadership.”
