What They Are Saying: If you like it – you can keep it “President Obama promised”

Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Johnson introduced the If You Like Your Health Care Plan, You Can Keep It Act Wednesday with 39 cosponsors. Senator Johnson intends to make sure President Obama keeps his promise to the American people.

Click here to see Senator Johnson’s floor speech in which he introduced the new bill.

National Review: Sen. Ron Johnson to Introduce the ‘If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep it Act’

“Senator Ron Johnson (R., Wis.) announced today that next week he will file legislation that will allow Americans to keep their previous health-insurance plans, as President Obama promised. The proposed bill, entitled the ‘If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It Act,’ would, according to Johnson’s statement, amend the Affordable Care Act ‘to make Obamacare live up to the promises of the politicians who sold the plan to the American public.’ ” [more]

The Weekly Standard: Senator Proposes Law: 'If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It Act'

“Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin will propose a new law next week called: ‘If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It Act.’

“ ‘One of the most important promises made by President Obama and Democrat congressional leadership to promote the Affordable Care Act was that Americans who were satisfied with their health plans could keep them.  That promise has been broken.’ ” [more]

FNC Fox and Friends: A Band-Aid for ObamaCare?

“Sen. Ron Johnson's solution for folks looking to keep their health plans.” [more]

Forbes: Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare

“President Obama’s famous promise that ‘you could keep your plan’ was not some naïve error or accident. He, and his allies, knew that previous Democratic attempts at health reform had failed because Americans were happy with the coverage they had, and opposed efforts to change the existing system.” [more]

Newsmax: Sen. Johnson: Healthcare Promises Broken 'Thousands of Times'

“Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin says his proposed ‘If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It’ bill will make President Barack Obama keep the promise he made as he was pushing the Affordable Care Act. ‘President Obama [said] during the healthcare debate . . .  if you have a family plan by the end of his first term, the cost of it will actually decrease by $2,500 per family per year and if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it, period. Like, no questions asked,’ Johnson, a Republican told ‘The Steve Malzberg Show’ on Newsmax TV.” [more]

Freedom Works: Senator Ron Johnson Introduces Legislation to Allow You to Keep Your Health Care Plan

“Remember when President Obama said, ‘If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan’ but did not really mean it?   Senator Ron Johnson thinks President Obama should keep his word and has introduced legislation to ensure that Americans can in fact keep their plans. The ‘If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It Act’ gives the two million plus Americans who have already received cancellation notices from their health insurance companies and the millions more whose premiums are skyrocketing an out.” [more]

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Ron Johnson bill would allow people to keep health plans

“U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson unveiled a bill Wednesday to allow Americans to keep their health insurance plans.

“Named the ‘If You Like Your Health Care Plan You Can Keep It Act,’ the Wisconsin Republican's legislation grew out of President Barack Obama's repeated promise, as he promoted the landmark health care law known as Obamacare. The bill comes amid reports this week that many Americans are receiving cancellation notices from insurance companies. ‘This is wrong,’ Johnson said. ‘The president made a commitment to the American people.’ ” [more]

The Blaze: Senator to Introduce 'If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It Act'

“Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) announced on Friday that he will introduce legislation aimed at allowing Americans satisfied with their health care insurance to keep it, a key promise he says President Barack Obama has broken with his signature health care program. ‘One of the most important promises made by President Obama and Democrat congressional leadership to promote the Affordable Care Act was that Americans who were satisfied with their health plans could keep them,’ Johnson said in a press release. ‘That promise has been broken.’ ” [more]

United Liberty: Wisconsin Republican proposes “If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It Act”

“Back in 2009, as he was beginning the push for his so-called ‘healthcare reform’ law, President Barack Obama promised Americans that they would be able to keep health insurance plan. ‘No one will take it away,’ he said. ‘No matter what.’ That promise has turned out has turned out to be a lie, as hundreds of thousands of people have lost their health insurance because their plans weren’t compatible with the mandates implemented under Obamacare. Many will now be left to find more costly plans with benefits that they may not want or need.” [more]

National Review: No, You Can’t Keep It

“So far the part of the Obamacare rollout that is going most smoothly and affecting the most people is the cancellation of current insurance policies. In states around the country, hundreds of thousands of people are getting notices from insurers that their plans are no longer allowed by the law. All told, 16 million people may be dumped from their policies, in flagrant contradiction of President Obama’s famous promise that you can keep your health plan if you like it.” [more]