Good intentions, unintended consequences

Kathi Rose is a pastor from Neenah. She now has to pay $4,000 more per year for health care because under President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, the plan she chose was canceled. Now, it’s harder for her to find care for her special-needs daughter.

The president told Americans, “If you like your current insurance, you keep that insurance. Period. End of story.” That wasn’t true for Kathi Rose nor for millions of other Americans notified that the plans they chose and could afford were canceled.

See her story at RightWisconsin.

I had a chance to speak on the Senate floor Wednesday night, to read aloud some of the letters I’ve gotten from Wisconsinites who are finding their insurance coverage canceled and their costs skyrocketing because of Obamacare’s coercive mandates. It angers me to hear this. Something called the “Affordable Care Act” shouldn’t result in people losing access to health care or finding it unaffordable. Yet that is what is happening. The good intentions of the president and his allies have not exempted them from the law of unintended consequences.