The Hill: Sen. Johnson: Obama health law will ‘lead to rationing’

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Monday warned that President Obama’s healthcare law could lead to rationing of medical services.

“I think the costs associated with ‘ObamaCare’ are grossly understated,” said Johnson in an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”  “I think far more Americans are going to lose their employer sponsored care because there are incentives for employers to drop coverage and make their employees eligible for huge subsides in the exchanges.

“I think this is going to explode our deficit, it’s going to lead to rationing. It’s going to lead to rationing and a lower quality of care,” he added.

Johnson’s comments come as House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) will unveil a budget this week that assumes the repeal of the signature healthcare reform law. 

Ryan said on Sunday that he would not back down from efforts to repeal the 2010 Affordable Care Act despite criticism that GOP efforts to undo the bill will falter.

“This is what budgeting is all about. It’s about making tough choices to fix our country’s problems. We believe ObamaCare is a program that will not work,” said Ryan.

Johnson on Monday acknowledged that the healthcare law was “obviously the law of the land right now.” 

“Obviously, I’m concerned about it,” he added.

“It dramatically increases the demand for healthcare, 30 million Americans getting healthcare … while it dramatically reduces the supply,” Johnson warned. “That doesn’t reduce the cost curve.”

The Wisconsin senator said there were ways to expand coverage and reduce healthcare costs through the free-market system.

“I want everybody to be able to access healthcare, affordable healthcare but you do that through the free market, not government control,” said Johnson. 

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