Burnett County Sentinel: Meeting his constituents

SIREN—U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, wanting to convey honest and complete information to his constituents, made a stop last week at the Siren Village Hall, one of 17 across northern Wisconsin.

"Information is powerful," Johnson told the two dozen or so concerned residents in attendance.

In addition to hearing issues from those present, the Senator shared concerns from Washington D.C.

"We're looking at a national debt level of $52,000 per person right now and in another 10 years it is projected at $75,000 — we are mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren," Johnson remarked. "A business entity would be bankrupt in no time with this kind of budget — the only reason we're not is that we have a printing press and can print more money."

Questions for the Senator ranged from a national energy policy and the local effects of the sequester to making Minnesota fix their portion of Highway 70.

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