WQOW: Senator Ron Johnson supports less regulation on businesses

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson says less is more. 

He's pushing for fewer government regulations concerning small businesses.

Senator Johnson says when agencies consider public input as bills are written it leads to fewer regulations and fees to taxpayers.

Government agencies do have checks and balances called "Notices of Proposed Rulemaking" to inform the public but Senator Johnson says they're not always followed.

"Most of these government programs are very well intentioned, but the fact of the matter is, so often government programs have unintended consequences, negative unintended consequences," says Senator Johnson.

The senator says a study by a group that advocates for small businesses estimates Americans pay $1.75 trillion dollars a year to comply with federal regulations.

Senator Johnson has started to gather stories from people affected by regulations hindering their business, but so far has not announced any plans to draft legislation on the matter.

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