Johnson Comments on Immigration Listening Sessions

Oshkosh, WI – Senator Ron Johnson (WI) released the following statement regarding immigration listening sessions that his office hosted this week in Wisconsin:

“I want to thank the hundreds of Wisconsinites who attended the 16 listening sessions held this week by my Senate staff on immigration. I was personally able to attend several of them. As I met with the folks whose lives and businesses are impacted by this issue, one message was very clear and consistent: our current policies are not working – not for American workers, not for employers, not for legal immigrants, and not for the 11 million people who are here illegally. 

“I support bipartisan efforts in the Senate to resolve the nation’s immigration dilemma.  In its simplest form, any successful comprehensive legislation must accomplish three goals:

1) Secure the nation’s borders once and for all, so that we are never faced with this problem again.  Although progress has been made, America's borders are currently far from secure.

2) Reform a failed legal immigration system and build a 21st century  immigration system that ensures our national security and enhances America’s economic security for generations to come.

3) Establish a potential path to legal status for those whose only crime was entering or staying in America illegally, and are now working hard to build a good life for themselves and their families.

“While I am hopeful that the Senate will craft a bill that actually addresses all three elements successfully - and that I can enthusiastically support - the current Senate bill has major shortcomings.”
