Johnson: Protect Health Care for Public Employees

Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Johnson (WI) released the following statement regarding the decision of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to dump retired employees of the City of Chicago into Obamacare health exchanges:

“Not long ago, Rahm Emanuel worked for a president who told Americans, ‘If you like your health care, you can keep it.’ Unfortunately, the way Obamacare is designed incentivizes employers to cancel coverage, change health care plans, or simply dump workers into Obamacare exchanges against their will.  While White House Chief of Staff Emanuel may have denied that, Mayor Emanuel’s actions demonstrate it.

“No one should have his or her health care taken away due to Obamacare. Unfortunately, the way the law is designed, many other cities and employers will follow Mayor Emanuel’s lead. The best way to protect consumers from these forced changes is to repeal Obamacare.

“The Senate Budget Committee recently approved my amendment to improve Obamacare cost estimates, on a bipartisan vote. The Senate approved the amendment as part of broader legislation. The Congressional Budget Office should begin these broader Obamacare estimates promptly. The American people have a right to know what Obamacare may ultimately cost them.”
