Senator Johnson Comments on Unemployment Insurance Vote

Washington, D.C. – Sen. Ron Johnson issued this statement discussing his vote on unemployment insurance:

“This week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid once again chose to play politics rather than seriously addressing an issue affecting people's lives.  Instead of working with Republicans to find agreement on lower-priority spending items that could be cut or delayed to "pay for" an extension of emergency unemployment benefits, he utterly ignored those of us in the minority who have good ideas that at least deserve to be voted on. 

“Harry Reid basically wants Senate Republicans - and the voters whose interests we represent - to sit down and shut up.   Good ideas need not apply in Harry Reid's dysfunctional Senate.  Senator Reid disingenuously proposes spending $18 billion this year and "paying" for that by cutting $18 billon in the year 2024.  Sadly, I'm not making that up.  

“If and when Senate Democrats become serious about fixing the enormous problems facing America, I will be a willing and good-faith partner.  Until then, I must vote to prevent the further bankrupting of this nation and the mortgaging of our children's future.” 
