Johnson to Host Facebook Q&A on Immigration/Border Security

Washington – Sen. Ron Johnson will host a one-hour Facebook Q&A on Wednesday, Dec. 10 beginning at 2 p.m. CT. This is the senator’s first Facebook Q&A. He remarked, “Social media allows me to stay connected with Wisconsinites while I’m in Washington – to keep them updated on what I am working on and to keep me informed on what issues are concerning folks in Wisconsin. I look forward to a Facebook discussion on how, together, we can start to address the problems facing America.” See below for specifics related to the event. 

Date: Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014
Time: 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. CT
Topic: Immigration and border security
Note: Facebook account is required to participate. 

How it works:

-          Log on to Facebook and like Sen. Ron Johnson’s Facebook page.
-          Once Sen. Johnson begins his Facebook Q&A discussion, you can ask a question in the comment section beneath the post.
-          Sen. Johnson will answer questions as they come in by responding in the comment section. He will answer as many questions as he can during the one-hour event.


Participants must like Sen. Ron Johnson’s Facebook page in order to ask questions during the discussion. Otherwise, participants are welcome to just follow along.