Harry Reid should take it back

Today, the Senate Democrats’ leader, Harry Reid, stood on the floor of the Senate and called thousands of Wisconsinites liars.

He was talking about Obamacare. These are his exact words: “There’s plenty of horror stories being told. All of them are untrue. But they’re being told all over America.” Here is the video:

This is an astounding and offensive statement. I have heard directly from hundreds of individuals, families, and businesses in Wisconsin who are being truly harmed by the law – premiums increasing by several hundred percent or the health plans that they liked and wanted to keep are being lost.

Reid seemed angered that some of these cases have been featured in television ads. “Stories made up from whole cloth -- lies,” said Reid. He was repeating a line that liberal commentators have been trying lately.

Does Sen. Reid ever bother to read a newspaper? Just take the ones usually friendly to his side: The New York Times reports on Obama supporters who find the roll-out “chaotic” and “extremely frustrating.” The Times also wrote about writers and artists who saw their choices shrink and their premiums soar. “We are the Obama people,” one told the Times. Senator Reid: Was she telling lies?

The Washington Post wrote about people whose plans were canceled and who couldn’t get replacement plans or even learn key details of their options. Did the paper just make that up?

The Los Angeles Times wrote about people getting hit with 50% rate increases and saying, “I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it.” All of these are lies?

It is shocking, even in today’s crass political climate, that the leader of the Senate Democrats would have the audacity to say outright that those real people with real stories are all liars. An apology is order, at a minimum. And if Senator Reid truly believes what he says, then he needs to step outside of the Washington, D.C., bubble and see what is really happening in this country.