Senator Johnson Responds to Today’s Court Decision

Washington, D.C. – Today, the  U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin issued a decision denying Sen. Ron Johnson legal standing before the district court.  This means that Senator Johnson will not be allowed to present the merits of his case against the Obama administration’s actions that provided special treatment to members of Congress and their staffs, unless the decision is overturned on appeal.  Senator Johnson made these remarks:

“The Obama administration violated its own signature health care law by giving special treatment to members of Congress and their staffs.  I believe that this executive action by the Obama administration is unlawful and unfair, and that it is only one of many examples of this president’s abuse of his constitutional duty.  Unfortunately, those actions will go unchallenged for now, because the district court granted the administration's motion to dismiss based on the legal technicality of standing.

“Americans increasingly — and correctly — believe that their government in Washington is out of control, out of touch and lawless.  By its decision today, the court has chosen not to address the important constitutional issues at hand.  My legal team and I will carefully review the decision before determining our next step in this important constitutional dispute.

“I want to personally thank the 45 members of Congress and the public policy organizations who supported amicus briefs, and the tens of thousands of great Americans who have supported this effort.  We’ve lost a battle in court, but we will continue to move forward in our effort to return sanity, fairness and justice to government on behalf of the American people.”
