Video Reform Bill Advances in Senate

Washington, D.C. — The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on Wednesday advanced a bill that will preserve local signals for satellite subscribers and help provide opportunities for Wisconsinites to get access to Wisconsin news and Green Bay Packers games.  Sen. Ron Johnson made the following statement:

“The Satellite Television Access and Viewer Rights Act (STAVRA) will continue broadcast service for more than 1.5 million satellite subscribers.  I worked closely with the committee to ensure video reforms included in the manager’s amendment appropriately address today’s dynamic video market.  I appreciate the committee’s openness to my input.  As we review this landscape further, we should continue to look at reforms that remove government’s influence, not further increase its role. 

“I am also pleased to support a provision in the underlying bill that creates a process to petition the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to allow satellite providers to carry in-state signals.  In August, I talked with people in Hurley, Ashland and Rice Lake, all of which are considered part of a Minnesota media market despite being in Wisconsin. Constituents expressed their frustration with not getting Wisconsin news or Packers games.  This bill creates a process for them at the FCC and emphasizes the importance of station signals that originate in a viewer’s state of residence.”
