Johnson Announced as Chairman of Senate Subcommittee on Europe

WASHINGTON– Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) announced Wednesday that he will be chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation. Sen. Johnson has served on the subcommittee as the ranking Republican member for the last two years.  He made these remarks on his appointment:

“I’m gratified that my colleagues are entrusting me with the chairmanship of the European affairs subcommittee.

“Europe faces many challenges — economic trouble, Islamic terror and Russian military adventurism, just to name three. America is affected directly by what happens in Europe.

“After six years of disengagement and retreat, our nation needs to reassert itself to provide international leadership and for our own security. It is imperative that we reassure our allies that we are committed to strengthening the transatlantic relationship by continuing to spread Western values of freedom and democracy.  Working in a bipartisan fashion, I hope I can help America be a more positive influence abroad in order to enhance our economic and national security.”
