Johnson: As Syrians Suffer, American Leadership Needed

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said this Friday about news that the Obama administration approved the deployment of small teams of U.S. special-operations forces to Syria to support Syrians fighting ISIS:

“The flood of Syrians risking everything to flee their country shows what happens when America seeks peace through withdrawal: People suffer, and it has consequences that spin out of control. While the Assad regime continues to murder its own people, the conflict also has created an environment that allowed ISIS to expand.  America cannot be the world’s policeman, but when it’s in our national interest and we have the ability to stop chaos and stabilize a situation, we should.

“That’s why I have supported President Obama’s stated goal of degrading and destroying ISIS. However, we need a comprehensive strategy that will actually achieve our goal of defeating ISIS. 

“Vladimir Putin has found an on-ramp and is partnering with Iran to prop up the Assad regime. American leadership is needed to assemble a broad coalition involving Western Europe and the Gulf states that can provide safe havens in Syria, stop the terrible displacement of refugees and de-escalate this war.”
