Johnson Comments on NDAA Provision Ending Prohibition on Service Members Carrying Firearms at Military Installations

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) is pleased that legislation authorizing the nation’s defense for the next year included a provision he pushed for to allow service members to protect themselves and others while at military installations.

The National Defense Authorization Act includes a provision, Section 526, ending a prohibition on service members carrying firearms while at military installations. The provision requires the Department of Defense to implement a new policy by the end of this year that would empower military commanders to authorize service members to carry firearms.

Johnson sought such flexibility in July by sponsoring the Armed Forces Self-Defense Act, legislation he offered after service members were attacked at a military recruiting center and at the Navy Operational Support Center in Chattanooga, Tenn.

I am pleased that our service members will not be left vulnerable when it comes to defending themselves and their fellow soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines,” said Johnson, who thanked Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for including the provision. “This measure accomplishes what needed to be done and what I hoped would be done when I introduced my bill. As we have seen from attacks on our heroes on American bases such as Fort Hood and at recruiting centers, this is an idea that just makes sense.”

“I greatly appreciate Senator Johnson’s efforts to pass this common-sense provision to better protect and defend our service members,” said Sen. McCain.

The underlying bill cleared a conference that reconciled differences between Senate and House versions and has now been approved by both chambers of Congress.

A copy of the provision can be found here.
