Johnson honored to attend tribute to Bart and Cherry Starr

GREEN BAY — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Thursday attended a Thanksgiving Day tribute to Bart and Cherry Starr for the years of work they have done on behalf of Rawhide Boys Ranch, as well as numerous other charitable organizations. 


Johnson was among those addressing the people assembled at Green Bay’s KI Convention Center to honor the former Green Bay Packers quarterback and his wife for their years of patronage of the home and school for disadvantaged youth. The senator presented the couple with a commemorative text of the tribute to them that he delivered on the floor of the United States Senate earlier this month. 


Video of that tribute may be seen here.


Afterward, Johnson remarked: 


“It’s an honor to be able to thank Cherry and Bart in person for all they’ve done. Wisconsinites came to love Bart for the incredible way he led the Packers to greatness — and for his humility in sharing the credit with his teammates. Afterward, the Starrs’ dedication to Rawhide, the passion they showed for helping young men find success in life — it added a whole new level to the appreciation I think we all felt for them. I’m just glad I was able to tell them in person.” 

