Johnson Participates in Business Coalition Telephone Town Hall

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) talked with more than 2,300 Wisconsin business owners on Friday about health care, taxes, regulation and legal reform as part of a telephone town hall sponsored by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).

“I appreciate the opportunity to connect with thousands of business owners across Wisconsin to discuss the important issues facing America,” said Senator Johnson afterward. “After 31 years as a manufacturer, I understand first-hand the frustration of businesses across the country dealing with a tax and regulatory burden that hampers their ability to expand and create good paying jobs.”  

“We are so thankful that Senator Johnson took the time to speak with our group today,” said Bill Smith, the Wisconsin state director of NFIB. “Our discussion focused on the most important issues facing job creators today, including affordable health care and meaningful regulatory and tax reform. As a business owner, he knows how these issues directly affect our members, and we are grateful he is able to bring his real world experience to the U.S. Senate.”

