Johnson Leads Bill to Name Fond du Lac Post Office for Lt. Col. James “Maggie” Megellas

Washington – Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) introduced legislation, S.1826, to name the Fond du Lac post office for Lt. Col. James “Maggie” Megellas.

Lt. Col. Megellas served with the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division during World War II, participating with distinction in battles such as the assault on Anzio, Operation Market Garden and the Battle of the Bulge. To date, Megellas is recognized as the most decorated officer in the history of the 82nd Airborne Division. Megellas received the Distinguished Service Cross and multiple awards each of the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart.

Megellas and his fellow troops crossed the Waal River near Nijmegen, Netherlands, in small boats under substantial machine gun fire. Once on shore, Megellas crawled forward alone and killed two outpost guards and  the crew of a machine gun nest.  After the attack, he carried a wounded man to safety while firing a submachine gun with one hand. For this, Megellas was awarded the military’s second-highest decoration, the Distinguished Service Cross.

During the Battle of the Bulge, Megellas led an outnumbered platoon in a successful attack on enemy forces near Herresbach, Belgium. Soldiers testified that Megellas single-handedly attacked and destroyed a German Mark V Panther tank with two grenades and a submachine gun. His citation noted that his platoon did not suffer a casualty during the battle, a remarkable feat.

Now 98 years old, Megellas continues to inspire Americans through lectures and other appearances. Sen. Johnson said, “It is a privilege to recognize a Fond du Lac native who is truly one of the finest among us. Lt. Col. Megellas’ heroic actions helped ensure the liberation of Europe and our nation’s continued freedom.”

S.1826 has bipartisan support, co-sponsors include: Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) and Senator John Cornyn, (R-Tex.).
