Johnson Resolution Highlights Lack of Details in Iran Deal

Deal Falls Short of What is Required by the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, along with Sens. Patrick Toomey (R-Pa.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah), introduced a resolution this week expressing the sense of the Senate that the president failed to send Congress the entire nuclear agreement with Iran for review as required by the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act.

“Iran is a self-proclaimed enemy of America. Its leaders continue to chant, ‘Death to America,’ and remain unapologetic and unremorseful for the countless American lives their forces have slaughtered and maimed,” Johnson said. “Why in the world, then, are we as a nation entering into a deal that will inject tens to hundreds of billions of dollars into Iran’s economy and military? Easy answer: We shouldn’t be. This is a bad deal.

“The president of the United States blocked Senate Republicans — blocked the American people — from having a voice in a deal that is so important and incredibly consequential, and that I believe is going to be so damaging to America’s long-term interests. The American people deserve better.”

The full text of the resolution can be found here.

To hear more of what Sen. Johnson is saying on the Iran deal, listen to his recent radio interviews on the topic here.

Sen. Johnson spoke on the Senate floor regarding his opposition to the Iran nuclear deal. Watch his full remarks here.
