Johnson Comments on President’s Veto of Obamacare Repeal

OSHKOSH – Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said this Friday after President Obama vetoed legislation repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:

“The president made clear that he is unwilling to accept or even acknowledge the very real harm caused by Obamacare and the negative impact the law has had on families in Wisconsin and across the country.

“Ultimately, Obamacare represents more than just higher costs, reduced access and fewer choices that are squeezing hard-working Americans—it represents the broken promises made by the president to the American people to lower premiums and let people keep their plans and doctors.

“With a new president in 2017, a Republican Congress will again pass legislation to repeal this disastrous law and replace it with reforms that give freedom and choice to doctors and patients necessary to actually deliver affordable and accessible care.”