Johnson Requests Greater Transparency about FBI’s Most Recent Clinton Email Review

WASHINGTON Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, wrote to James Comey, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), requesting additional details about the FBI’s examination of  newly discovered emails “pertinent to the investigation” into Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

“On July 5, 2016, you informed the American public that Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email system was ‘extremely careless’ and that you could not rule out the possibility that foreign adversaries gained access to her email system,” Johnson wrote in the letter. “Your two most recent letters to Congress leave several unanswered questions about this new material and the FBI’s review of it.” 

Johnson asked whether the FBI uncovered any new emails containing classified information or identified any new individuals who sent or received classified information.  His letter also requested clarity on timing of the FBI’s discovery of the new emails and its interactions with the Justice Department.

The letter can be found here.