Johnson Applauds Supreme Court’s Hold on Obama’s Burdensome Carbon Rule

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said this about the Supreme Court’s decision to halt the Environmental Protection Agency’s implementation of the Obama electricity plan:

“The Supreme Court’s decision to halt the implementation of President Obama’s electricity regulation plan protects Wisconsin manufacturers, businesses and families from dramatic energy price increases.  The president’s plan would do what he promised as a candidate in 2008: It would cause electricity rates to skyrocket.  Last year, at a hearing in Stevens Point, I heard firsthand from Wisconsinites about how this rule will cost our state tens of thousands of jobs, raise annual household energy prices by hundreds of dollars, and reduce  disposable income in the state by over a billion dollars.  I applaud the Supreme Court’s decision to check the president’s regulatory overreach and shield consumers and Wisconsin families from bearing the costs of this rule.”

Links to Chairman Johnson’s oversight work and letters to the EPA regarding the Obama electricity regulation plan can be found below:

Field Hearing - The Impact of Federal Regulations: A Case Study of Recently Issued Rules

May 27, 2015 letter to EPA regarding the carbon emissions rule