Johnson Comments on Passage of Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act Conference Report

Report Includes Preclearance Authorization Bill and Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act


WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said this Thursday following the passage of the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act Conference Report:

“I am pleased to support the Conference Report for the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act.  By working with my colleagues in both the House and Senate, we were able to include legislation I moved through my committee that would authorize the Department of Homeland Security's preclearance operations, extending the United States’ virtual border to the last point of departure. DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson and U.S. Customs and Border Protection Deputy Assistant Commissioner John Wagner agree that expanding preclearance operations is an important step Congress can take to enhance our homeland security and address the concerns of many Americans in light of recent global attacks.

“I also was encouraged to see the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act included in the conference report.  I have been a proud cosponsor of this legislation for the last couple of years.  This provision will permanently ban states and localities from taxing internet access or placing discriminatory taxes on internet commerce.  It also begins the phase-out process for grandfathered states and localities, such as Wisconsin, who must cease issuing these taxes by June 2020.  For Wisconsin families this means a real tax break on critical broadband services and more money left in their pockets.”
