Johnson Comments on American Deaths in Brussels

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, said this upon hearing news Monday that the State Department has confirmed the deaths of two more Americans in last week’s terrorist attack in Brussels, Belgium:

“With a weekend bombing in Pakistan coming on the heels of last week’s attack in Brussels — which we now know included the slaughter of four Americans — we have further proof that Islamic terrorists are not going away.  This will be a long struggle, and we must recognize that the strategy of peace through withdrawal has been a miserable failure.  Americans are growing weary of leadership that refuses to acknowledge harsh realities and a president who dances a tango and attends a ballgame with a brutal dictator instead of addressing the threats facing our nation.  

"America hungers for leaders who understand we must become stronger economically so we can provide the leadership that is necessary to keep our homeland safe and defeat Islamic terrorists wherever they are hiding, plotting and killing."
