Still No Answers from the FDA

Sen.Johnson sends 2nd letter to FDA

Sen. Johnson started the week by sending a follow-up letter to the Food and Drug Administration asking about new e-cigarette regulations, which could create undue burdens on small businesses and possibly lead to negative unintended health consequences.

“Since I sent my initial letter to you, I have heard from many small-business owners who manufacture or sell e-cigarette products,” Johnson wrote in the letter.  “These job creators have contacted my office expressing their grave concerns about the FDA’s regulatory overreach.  They fear that the FDA’s e-cigarette rule will force them out of business by requiring them to complete costly and time-consuming premarket applications for each e-cigarette product. In addition, a large number of individuals have contacted my office to tell their stories about how they use or have used e-cigarettes to quit smoking.  They do not want the FDA to make access to e-cigarettes more difficult for them—or others like them—as they fight to kick an addiction to smoking.” 

Rethinking TSA Operations 

On Tuesday, Sen. Johnson chaired a hearing to look into the problems with airport security.  He learned the  government has “a long way to go” to address long security lines plaguing travelers at the nation’s airports. Sen. Johnson questioned Homeland Security Inspector General John Roth, the federal watchdog overseeing the problem.

Johnson asked, “On a scale of 1 to 10, in terms of critical assessment, we’ve gone from what to what, in terms of improvement?”

VIDEO: Click  here to watch Chairman Johnson’s remarks.

Roth replied, “I mean we have gone from night to day. ... We have a number of challenges — I will not underestimate it. With regard to the checkpoint and the covert testing, there’s a 23-point plan that TSA has put into place. We are generally satisfied with the progress they are making. It is by no means complete. But there are issues not just at the checkpoint, there are issues with regard to TSA as a contract administrator, for example. There are issues as far as TSA as a regulator with local airports, how well are they regulating the local airports. We have considerable concerns about insider threat.”

Ron Speaks Out on Senate Floor Against Overtime Rule

Watch Sen. Johnson's remarks: "This is a solution looking for a problem." 

Sen. Johnson is helping lead 44 senators to block implementation of the administration’s “Time Card Rule,” also known as the Overtime Rule, which will have workers punching the clock when they come and go from work and leave them unable to negotiate a flexible work arrangement. It will also cost many colleges millions of dollars per year in additional operating costs, potentially raising tuition for college students. Learn more here.

Keep Littoral Combat Ship Building Afloat 

Sen. Johnson is working to keep the littoral combat ship program (the same ship as the new USS Milwaukee) on track. 

“The U.S. Navy has pointed out the significance of the littoral combat ship as a critical component of the fleet. The amendment I introduced this week would strike a limitation currently included in this fiscal year’s National Defense Authorization Act that limits the Navy’s flexibility in planning for the future of the LCS program. The Navy deserves certainty as it plans for its current and future ship needs, and it is not in our country’s best interest to restrict funding for the needs of the men and women of our naval forces in the face of global threats.”

Listen to New Podcast Episode

This weekend, catch up on episodes of Sen. Johnson's new podcast, "Hey, Wisconsin." This week, he spoke with Pastor Jerome Smith of Greater Praise Church of God in Christ in Milwaukee to discuss a community-based initative connecting Wisconsinites seeking job opportunities with employers in the Sheboygan area. Listen in here.

Teen Challenge Wisconsin

"There is nothing more inspirational than seeing another individual turn their life around. Nothing will give you greater happiness than seeing your hard work inspire someone else. " --Sen. Johnson addressing the graduates of Teen Challenge Wisconsin, one of the most successful faith-based addiction recovery programs in the world.

Congratulations, Kenosha Chamber

Connect with Ron's Staff

Have a question for Ron's staff?  Meet with us in our Milwaukee or Oshkosh offices or in the following mobile locations: 

Wednesday, June 15, 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Mead Public Library, Rocca Meeting Room
710 N. 8th St., Sheboygan

Thursday, June 16, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Armstrong Creek Community Center
7860 Old Hwy. 101, Armstrong Creek

Thursday, June 16, 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Florence County Court House, 2nd Floor Conference Room
501 Lake Ave., Florence

Friday, June 17, 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Stockholm Village Hall
2040 Spring St., Stockholm