Greatest Danger Facing America? Denial of Reality

Former ISIS Slave Tells Senators Orlando Will Be Repeated

Watch full hearing here.

Sen. Johnson chaired a hearing this week on the ideology of ISIS, with testimony from four witnesses who laid out the reality of the horrors under ISIS rule in Iraq and Syria. Nadia Murad, 21, gave heart-wrenching testimony, saying her Yazidi community of about a half million people never harmed anyone, "but our peaceful ways did not save us." She warned, "Orlando will be  repeated if the world doesn’t put an end such terrorism. There is no sanctuary."

Sen. Johnson summarized the hearing's findings. "There have been 1,191 terror-related deaths, ISIS-inspired deaths, outside of Iraq and Syria since 2015. Nadia is right: This isn’t going away. We will see tragedy after tragedy after tragedy unless we start attacking the root cause, which is Islamic terror.”

Watch the full interview  here.

The next day, he told "America's Newsroom" on Fox News: “There’s two ways to end a war: You either defeat the other side or both sides decide to lay down their arms. That's not happening with Islamic terror."

Read more here in The Independent Journal. 

Constitutional Rights and Islamic Terror

Watch Sen. Johnson’s remarks on the Senate floor  here.

Sen. Johnson introduced a measure Thursday to bar terror suspects from buying guns.

“We all share the same goal — that terrorists should not be able to obtain arms. My hope was that we could find a path that balances security with our constitutional rights and civil liberties. My amendment would have done so — giving the attorney general the power to halt firearms sales to suspected terrorists while maintaining important due process safeguards. These lists were designed to delay or prevent individuals from flying — I strongly believe that if they are used to deny a constitutional right, then the federal government should be required to meet a higher standard of proof and due process. I’m disappointed that further debate on my amendment was denied.”

Letter to Facebook

Watch full interview here. 

Sen. Johnson asked Facebook for information about Orlando gunman Omar Mateen's activity on the social media website the night of the attack.  Sen. Johnson sent a two-page letter to Facebook chairman Mark Zuckerberg after learning that Mateeen made a number of posts to numerous Facebook accounts while the attack was ongoing. 

Sen. Johnson is chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and he is conducting oversight of the FBI's investigation into Mateen to see if anything could have been done to prevent this tragedy.

Read more here in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 

Meeting with Ron 

Ron in Wisconsin 

Sen. Johnson was invited to cut the ribbon on the new health clinic for Industries for the Blind in West Allis. ibMilwaukee is a national manufacturer dedicated to employing blind and visually impaired workers.

Sen. Johnson was honored to visit with the Independent Business Association of Wisconsin and receive the first Bart Adams Legislator of the Year award. 

Connect with Ron's Staff

Have a question for Ron's staff?  Meet with us in our Milwaukee or Oshkosh offices or in the following mobile locations: 

Grant County: Platteville
Monday, June 27, 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Platteville Public Library
65 S. Elm St., Platteville

Kenosha County: Kenosha
Thursday, June 30, 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Kenosha City Hall, Room 202
625 52nd St., Kenosha