Johnson Urges Senate to Approve Montenegro’s Accession to NATO

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation, spoke on the Senate floor Tuesday before the Senate voted to affirm Montenegro’s accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Senator Johnson has been a leader in laying the groundwork for the United States to formally approve Montenegro’s accession. Excerpts of his remarks are below, and video can be found here.

"As Russia continues its destabilizing actions throughout Eastern Europe and the world, it is imperative we spend an unwavering message of strength and resolve by approving Montenegro's accession to NATO."

“Montenegro has shown that it is committed to NATO and to making the internal reforms required to remain a member in good standing. Because of that commitment, Montenegro's membership to NATO will enhance stability in Europe.”

“Just a few days ago, I met with Montenegro's foreign minister and ambassador to the United States. They expressed their sincere gratitude that the Senate would be voting this week on their accession, and Montenegro would be one step closer to aligning itself with the freedom-loving nations of NATO. Montenegro is a small country, but it has already demonstrated its commitment to the international community and implementing internal reforms.”

“Russia has warned Montenegro that it will face consequences if it continues to pursue NATO membership. As Russia continues its destabilizing actions throughout Eastern Europe and the world, it is imperative we spend an unwavering message of strength and resolve by approving Montenegro's accession to NATO.”


