Net Neutrality: A Solution Looking for a Problem

MILWAUKEE — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) released a new episode of his podcast, "Hey, Wisconsin," Wednesday featuring a discussion with Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai. 

Sen. Johnson sat down with Chairman Pai on a recent visit to Milwaukee when they met with Wisconsin broadcasters and broadband providers. In this podcast, Chairman Pai talks about digital opportunity for all Americans and why a light-touch regulatory approach, first established during the Clinton administration,  is the best way to achieve that goal.  Expanding rural broadband access is a big issue for Wisconsinites, especially in areas of precision agriculture for farmers, medical diagnosis for rural doctors and schools looking to connect their students to the world.

Sen. Johnson’s podcast addresses a variety of issues – connecting what happens in Washington to Wisconsinites. The podcast is available to download and share here.

Follow Sen. Johnson’s official TwitterInstagram and Facebook to stay up to date.
